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Denis Rumley is currently Adjunct Professor, Edith Cowan University and Associate Professor in the School of Social and Cultural Studies at the University of Western Australia in Perth. He has published widely but mainly in the interdisciplinary areas of geopolitics, international relations and other policy-related areas in political geography.
    br>He has contributed many papers and his major publications, including co-edited volumes are The Geopolitics of Australia's Regional Relations; The Geography of Border Landscapes; Global Geopolitical Change and the Asia-Pacific; India and Australia: Issues and Opportunities; Geopolitical Orientations, Regionalism and Security in the Indian Ocean, Energy Security and the Indian Ocean Region; Australia's Arc of Instability: The Political and Cultural Dynamics of Regional Security.

D. Gopal is a Professor in Political Science, School of Social Sciences, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi. He, a scholar in International Relations, is a Programme Coordinator, Australian Studies. He is serving on Academic and Research Committees of several universities in the country.

Prof. Gopal obtained his Ph. D from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He also received training in Distance Education in the Institute of Education, University of London, and has been Visiting Fellow at UK Open University, Milton Keynes. Among several of his research publications, includes co-edited with Dennis Rumley, Australia in the Emerging Global Order and India and Australia: Issues an Opportunities; co-authored with V.T. Patil Politics of Globalisation.

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